Welcome to Driving with Dementia


I have dementia and I am no longer driving. I am interested in:


Dealing with my emotions

  • Having to stop driving is a major life change for many people.
  • It is understandable that you may be experiencing grief and feeling a variety of emotions.
  • Give yourself space and time to feel the range of emotions you may be feeling.

Sometimes it is hard to know how you are feeling. To help identify your emotions, try answering these questions:

  • Do you feel sad because you can no longer be independent?
  • Do you feel angry because you don't think you need to give up driving?
  • Do you feel confused because you don’t understand why you had to stop driving?
  • Do you feel worried because you don’t know how you will get around now?
  • Do you feel guilty because you think that now you need to ask others to help you get around?
  • Do you feel relieved that you are no longer driving?

Once you have identified your emotions, share them with others because discussing how you are feeling will help you manage your emotions. All these feelings are common for people who have stopped driving.

  • Talk to someone you trust such as your family, friends, neighbours or faith leaders.
  • Talk to your doctor or other healthcare professionals.
  • Join an in-person or online support group.
  • Ask someone you trust to help you come up with ideas for support by using this circle of support worksheet (click here). It is produced by The Hartford. After reviewing the worksheet, when you close the worksheet's web page, it will automatically bring you back here.
  • Contact your local Alzheimer Society (click here) for support and resources.

Here's what a person with dementia has to say:

  • Take a deep breath. Let it out. Everything will be fine. It's really scary at first. It seems like you're giving up your freedom, but actually, there's a freedom also in not having your licence.

For ideas of who to talk to about your emotions use this worksheet called Not Going It Alone: Who Can Offer Support? (click here). It was produced by The Hartford. After you review the worksheet, when you close the worksheet's web page, it will bring you back here.