Answer these questions on a regular basis to check whether your driving is safe:
- Do you sometimes feel unsure of yourself or anxious while driving?
- Have you had any close calls such as almost hitting a person or another car?
Do other drivers honk at you?
- Have you driven through a stop sign or red light or have you stopped at a green light?
- Have you ever gotten lost while driving?
Have you noticed issues with your driving skills like difficulty keeping in your lane, staying within the speed limit, changing lanes, turning or merging?
Has anyone told you that your driving skills are deteriorating or that your driving is unsafe?
- Has anyone refused to drive with you?
If you answer yes to some of these questions, perhaps it’s time to start having conversations with someone you trust about your driving. For example, family member, friend, neighbour, or doctor. Also, ask a family member or friend to drive with you so that they can observe how you drive. For getting help regarding deciding to stop driving, here are some tips (click here).
- Be aware of yourself, stand up for yourself and don’t
deny if you realize you may have a problem. Or if someone says, 'Hey I don’t think you should drive anymore', don’t
just go, 'Yes, I can'. Be mindful of all
of that.
See this daughter and mother discuss the possibility of the mother having a driving assessment and
about other ways to get around. Please note that the video mentions a resource called the Eldercare Locator at that is based on the United States so it is not applicable in Canada.
Source: The Alzheimer's Association
Click on the titles below. After reviewing a worksheet, when you close the worksheet's web page, it will automatically bring you back here.
- Use this Dementia and Driving - A Decision Aid to help you decide the right time to stop driving. This is a Canadian version that was produced by the University of Wollongong, Australia as well as researchers from the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA). Please note, it may take about a minute to download.
- Try this Simple Driving Assessment. Although it is not an
official driving assessment, use it as a starting point to assess your ability to drive safely. It was provided by the Canadian Automobile Association.
- Ask someone you trust to help you use this checklist: Warning Signs for Drivers with Dementia. It was produced by The Hartford.